UFO Wednesday
So, what I didn’t mention last week due to sheer embarrassment, is that I got the mistletoe leaves wrong five times and had to keep frogging them. When you are counting squares across blank aida with no stitching around it, it’s incredibly easy to do one stitch too many or miss out a row completely. But five times in a row? I am so ashamed.
After a lot of hard work I managed to finally get the leaves right. I know it’s hard to see but I also started on the sky in the background. This piece uses only one strand for the background and I think it creates a really nice effect, a kind of 3d effect where the characters feel more in the foreground. I don’t normally use different numbers of strands to create an effect. Every other piece I’ve worked on has used a half stitch for the sky/background and a full stitch for the foreground.
I must apologise for the image quality. Despite having two lights on, my mobile phone refused to take a decent picture (I have no idea why, it’s been fine in the past) and I am missing the charger for my camera. Of course, you can probably see there that I have accidentally used two strands for the sky. That’s right. Another mistake. I don’t have the heart to unpick it this week, so that’s going to be my job for next Wednesday while I work on something much more fun for the rest of the week. (I love new projects, the best part of a UFO is making a new one!) Once Mistletoe Kisses is out of the way I’ll post some pictures of my newest UFO/project.